Patricia Maggie, Author, Children's books


Ruddie children's book

R  U  D  D  I  E

Ruddie is a little blue bird who was flying around the beach and found a house with a little girl who looked like she was terribly ill. Ruddie wanted to help her, but he didn't know how. He started looking for some friends that could help him. Will he be able to help the little girl?

The story is about loving each other, be compassionate to people when they are not feeling well and be a friend to help each other without expecting anything in return. The book is written in verse with rhyme schemes and a heartwarming story. The book is illustrated with beautiful colorful backgrounds and characters. 

This book can be shared from generation to generation and is a good gift for children of all ages, plus an excellent choice for baby showers, birthdays, graduations, or just for reading it every night with your little ones. 

For more information, please click here

Available on Amazon

Sweet Magical Adventure

Leo & Mae are two loving tiger cubs who got separated from her mother by accident. They must find their way home, but they got lost along the way. They met a fairy and some amazing animals, and even though they were different, they were able to become friends. The cubs started a magical adventure, but will they be able to find their way back home?

Sweet Magical Adventure is a rhyming picture book that is fun to read at bedtime or any time you want to share a story with your little one.  It will entertain your kids and at the same time encourage friendship and kindness in spite of our differences.  The book is beautifully illustrated with colorful backgrounds and characters.

Sweeet Magical Adventure, children's book

For more information, please click here

Available on Amazon


Patricia Maggie

Patricia Maggie is an Artist and Author from Florida.  Writing children books was always on her mind.  Her children books were created to spread joy and happiness, so that friends and family can share in the fun.

She is a creator of realistic illustrated and brilliantly designed picture books for the very young.  Art has always been her passion.  She started painting with oil and acrylic paintings throughout her early childhood and she would spend several hours reading books.  She had several art expositions in Museums and art shows, and she was published in Art Business News and Miami Herald. 

Patricia Maggie, Author | @MaggieXpressions |

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